Recognising employees socially: Underlining great work, and appreciating it loud

Appreciating an employee’s work socially and within an organisation spurs on the others to perform better

Updated: Jun 27, 2016 08:35:58 AM UTC

Appreciating an employee’s work socially and within an organisation spurs on the others to perform better

(Shutterstock Images)

It is said that ‘recognising good work is a great deed, but broadcasting the recognition of great work is much better’. While one of the deepest human needs is to be recognised for the efforts put in, the pride accentuates when appreciation is done in a social order that tells many others of the great work that one has achieved.

Since time immemorial, appreciation has been understood to be the key tenet of human happiness. It is also known that commending good work is among the most intrinsic motivational tools available to man. And to do it among the society is a shot in the arm that elevates performance while adding relevant social credentials into a person’s achievement resume’.

But the question here is not if appreciation helps to get resources to perform better or enhance a person’s happiness quotient. The pertinent question that remains is how can organisations maximise the vehicle of recognition to have a widespread increase in productivity and inspire the larger workforce to strive for greater glory.

The answer to this rests in employing a foundation of social recognition. This specialised recognition empowers businesses to celebrate the successes of its employees socially and allows these employees to celebrate these successes with their peers.

Today, social recognition differentiated from social medium recognition (read recognition on Facebook, Twitter, etc) is a practice that more organisations are employing proactively. For employees appreciation done via company social networks or internal socially-enabled broadcast technologies provides them talking rights in front of their peers; something that encourages them to go for greater glory. At a place where an employee spends anything between 8 hours and 12 hours of his day, being appreciated socially among peers adds a special feather to the cap, while earmarking cornerstones for other employees to better in order to achieve that social recognition.

The power of social recognition lies in the ability to see what people are being recognised for. This transparency not only encourages and inspires employees to achieve great work but also helps build great organisational cultures that earmark the businesses as aspirational organisations to work at.

Another go-to positive that social recognition creates is building up trust among the employees. When one employee is recognised and appreciated socially for a phenomenal job done, it creates a sense of positive competition among peers and fuses them together in a common mould of trust. This way, the employees are able to undertake awesome work for themselves and get recognised for their individual merit.

Today’s advanced social recognition modules enable all organisational employees experience and consume recognition happening in real-time. This helps in a great way to encourage them to emulate the marquee effort by the recognised employees and also broadens the scope.

While today many corporates are doing an exemplary job in recognising their employees via various traditional, offline and new-age methods, what increases the effectiveness of appreciation is combining various aspects to create an enviable appreciation programme. Say for example: Appreciating an employee with a personal handwritten note, followed by an internal team email, probably adding in a get-together with family and friends will go a long way in ensuring that all employees yearn for such social reputation, and strive hard to achieve it.

One cannot expect employees to understand recognition if all that the boss says is a meek ‘good job’. For appreciation to be done well, what is said and how it is said is critical. There has to be authenticity, and a sense of trust when appreciating employees. For this, the right set of training and employment of correct appreciation tools needs to be undertaken. Training employees on appreciating correctly and at the right time is very important as one needs to recognise the specific additional efforts or achievements that the employees put in. This going off the extra mile to earn excellence is something that accentuates good work, and ultimately leads to the achievement of the business objectives. Hence, recognition should not only broadcast what needs to be done and when, but also should inspire and motivate employees to achieve such great work and be a part of the larger business objective.

To be able to create an enviable lineup of talents that help organisations achieve their business goals, the critical need today is the employment of deep focused social recognition mediums that can inspire the millennial to pursue great work. While many organisations still employ age-old recognition methods like monetary, kind benefits and perks, the ones that are the most successful in terms of employee retention and increased coffers employ the new-age recognition phenomenon. And no wonder, leading the pack in bringing greater benefits to millennial businesses is a robust social recognition programme. After all, “A business that celebrates success together, stays together”.

The thoughts and opinions shared here are of the author.

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