In 1995, Surender Saluja took an early bet on solar energy. Nearly 30 years on, his company Premier Energies, under the leadership of his son Chiranjeev, is reaping the rewards after a blockbuster listing on the bourses
A roller-coaster ride in business cycles and risks have impacted the fortunes of India's richest. Banks and NBFCs have been particularly at risk, where underwriting risks and credit costs have been rising, apart from bad loans in both retail and wholesale lending
India is riding high and is considered a hot spot by global investors after Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to power for a third term in June, albeit with a coalition, and put the stock market on overdrive. That buoyancy has made the elite club of India's 100 Richest even more exclusive this year, with the minimum net worth to make the cut-off rising to a record $3.3 billion
Kalyanaraman has made a stunning return to the 2024 Forbes India Rich List, with a personal wealth of $5.38 billion that also makes him the richest jeweller on the list, ahead of Joy Alukkas, who has a personal wealth of $3.3 billion
Indian tycoons reap a trillion-dollar bonanza in a sizzling stock market
Entrepreneurs across sectors—from auto and aviation to IT and pharma—are making the most of the India growth story by taking bolder bets
Mukesh Ambani has created India's largest profit-generating company with three distinct profit pools—oil and gas, telecom and retail
Accacia helps asset managers, developers, owners and operators track and report their emissions, and its AI recommends projects to invest in for decarbonisation
Modern designers are quashing the notion of workspaces as boring and dull by making optimum use of natural light, bright colours and timeless materials. The cool quotient comes with amenities like power-walking tracks, gyms and sea-side experience while working
A few architects and interior designers tell us about the finer nuances of planning and designing luxury homes, and of partnerships between clients and designers, with months of ideating, planning, problem-solving, and giving expression to designs through materials, colours, textures, and objects d'art
Here's a peek into how some of India's leading business leaders live, unwind and entertain