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  4. Shramona Poddar

Shramona Poddar, @mishti.and.meat

Shramona Poddar

About Shramona Poddar

Poddar is partner at a saree and jewellery boutique and also loves travelling around the world in sarees. She is passionate about adventure travel, long-form storytelling and exploring cultures around the world.

creator stats

  • Rank: 93
  • Age: 30
  • Gender : Female
  • Handle: @mishti.and.meat
  • Category: Travel & Photography
  • City : Kolkata
  • Goat Score : 6.66
  • Genuity: 74.08%
  • Engagement Rate: 5.60%
  • Avg Reach: 1,60,228
  • Avg Views: 1,90,221
  • Avg Engagement: 11,342
*Data is of past 12 months i.e Sep 2022 – Aug 2023