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Ankit Bhatia, @ankitbhatiafilms

Ankit Bhatia

About Ankit Bhatia

Ankit Bhatia was an engineer, but travel documentary remained his passion. When he was selected for YouTube's 'Next Up' competition, he quit his job. Last year, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and visited five African countries, and hopes to shoot in Iceland someday.

creator stats

  • Rank: 63
  • Age: 32
  • Gender : Male
  • Handle: @ankitbhatiafilms
  • Category: Travel & Photography
  • City : Pune
  • Goat Score : 7.82
  • Genuity: 87.29%
  • Engagement Rate: 11.96%
  • Avg Reach: 68,562
  • Avg Views: 84,896
  • Avg Engagement: 4,454
*Data is of past 12 months i.e Sep 2022 – Aug 2023