Ms. Wadhwa is a lady who walks, talks and breathes - 'Achievements'.
A conservative woman who lived moment-to-moment struggles until she found, her hidden jewel - leading her to achieve her deepest desires whilst overcoming the deepest pains and struggles by her own, being lovingly known as ‘Multifaceted Woman’ in her circle.
Sky is the limit! A known ideology which states there are no limits to what one can achieve. Dr. Naavnidhi K. Wadhwa is a woman who proved this true for herself as she pushed through those early life struggles and today stands as an epitome of transformation for her loved ones and society. She says, I firmly believe in - ‘Your own mind is your limit - Mind is limitless’, one just needs to know the code to unlock it.
Today, being a successful NLP certified coach, Mind Performance & Transformational Coach, Celebrity Numerologist & Graphologist, Vastu Consultant, Energy Healer and founder & Meditation Guru at Inner Ziva, a one-off Meditation and Breakfast club are her closest achievements. She adds - They give me a sense of unmatchable joy.
Life was always full of setbacks - body shaming since childhood, societal pressure and constant judgement over looks and communication (I am from a vernacular medium), being labelled as a misfit - I was on downward spiral - I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression. But, you can definitely make a radical shift in your life if you have the ability to tune in to your innermost voice’, says Ms. Wadhwa
When Ms. Wadhwa faced medical complications during her pregnancy, shooting up her weight up by 40 kgs, affecting all her muscles, the doctors were clear: ‘This is an irreversible condition!’ A thought that didn’t let her sleep for countless nights was her awakening moment setting her up on a journey towards transformation.
She enrolled into spirituality & healing modalities, gained expertise in NLP, meditation & manifestation techniques that which brought health, strength & well-being. She is been trained by renowned American Author Richard Bandler - Co-founder of