Larry Ellison booted Dave Duffield and Aneel Bhusri from their company. They returned the favour by creating the biggest threat to Oracle in years—and the fastest-growing fortune on the entire Forbes 400
Dave Duffield is the software industry’s eternal teenager. Consider the way the 73-year-old smashed up his first company car. “It was in the 1960s,” Duffield ruefully tells me. “I was a young techie in a hurry.” After quitting a safe job at IBM, he hawked his own software for scheduling final exams more efficiently, zooming between college campuses in a Porsche Carrera loaded with punch cards in the back. At least, that was the plan for a few weeks. “I was in Binghamton [New York] on a freeway exit,” says Duffield. “It was foggy, and the tire slipped. I went through a telephone pole.”
Duffield never slowed down. With his fourth startup he made his debut on The Forbes 400 in 1995, having amassed a $600 million fortune as the founder of PeopleSoft, which provided easy-to-use software for corporate personnel. PeopleSoft’s employees were as enthused as its customers—it won acclaim as one of America’s best places to work—but Duffield’s freewheeling style created a series of stumbles. In early 2005 PeopleSoft was swallowed up in a hostile takeover by Oracle, for $10.3 billion, leaving Duffield rich, morose and out of work.
PeopleSoft senior executives “had some sort of post-traumatic Oracle disorder”, recalls CEO Marc Benioff, who met periodically with Duffield and his lieutenants to share strategy tips and rally their spirits. “They reminded me of a dog that got hit over the head too many times.” Duffield can smile now. His fifth startup is outpacing his fourth: Workday delivers human resource and financial software, just like PeopleSoft, but it does so in the world of the internet cloud, not traditional installations in corporate data centres. Workday has attracted customers such as LinkedIn and Thomson Reuters: Providing them with easier installation, faster updates, spiffier features and all the sleek graphics and iPad usability that consumer internet companies have made so popular. Even though the Pleasanton, California, company has yet to turn a profit, cloud-crazy investors have rewarded Workday with a $13 billion stock market valuation. Duffield’s 40 percent stake, combined with his previous investment portfolio, is worth $6.4 billion, more than triple what it was last year. Duffield has had the steepest rise on this year’s Forbes 400. How did the old guy do it?
The tech sector, unique among American industry, worships youth over experience. Disruption, the belief goes, comes from new generations of digital natives who are unburdened with knowing how things were or are. In 1998 Microsoft founder Bill Gates declared that his biggest worry was “someone in a garage inventing something I haven’t thought about”. No kidding. Google’s young founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were just getting rolling at the time. A decade later it was the Google guys’ turn to be spooked, by Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg and the social media tornado he was creating with Facebook. Even Zuckerberg (now a doddering 29) is watching his back these days.
Tech’s white-haired veterans tend to shift to the quiet safety of angel investing and a few board seats. The evolution into older irrelevancy is soothed with the delights of a ski house in Tahoe, a rich suntan or a Porsche collection. Duffield fits all these into his life. But since 2005 he has been on a nonstop crusade to turn Workday into a winner.
In recent months Duffield has been spotted again on college campuses, from Florida to Illinois, pitching new Workday software that’s meant to make universities run better. His traveling habits have changed a bit: With a private jet he keeps the Porsches in the garage; the primitive punch cards have been supplanted by invisible fiber-optic links. Yet the entrepreneur’s delight in signing contracts and wooing new prospects never fades.
Ask Duffield how he stays ahead of the kids and his first answer is coy: Don’t eat too much. “I just don’t like being overweight,” says the man who can still slip into 32-inch-waist Levis with ease. His latest success starts with a willingness to chase the big opportunity, he says. Helping the cause is extra wisdom gleaned from many years of experience. Most important, Duffield says, is finding the right partner—in this case, 47-year-old Aneel Bhusri.
Duffield and Bhusri met 20 years ago, when the younger man was wrapping up his MBA at Stanford and toying with the idea of heading east for a venture capital job. Don’t do it, Duffield told him over a beer. Come explore ways we can make PeopleSoft grow. Duffield’s starting pay of $70,000 was barely half what Bhusri could have made in consulting or on Wall Street. But Bhusri took the job anyway, excited about the fast-paced opportunities that Duffield offered. Smart call. Bhusri is nearly a billionaire himself, serving as co-chief executive with Duffield and holding a 6.9 percent stake in Workday.
Year by year the two men have been adjusting the way they split Workday’s command. A few years ago, Duffield says, it was 50-50. Now, “Aneel is 80 percent of the CEO job, and I’m 20 percent.” Bhusri demurs, but the best perspective comes from Workday director Skip Battle. “It will always be the Dave and Aneel Show to the outside world, because of Dave’s age and visibility,” Battle says. “But if you were buying key-man insurance, you’d pay the highest premium for Aneel.”
What’s most striking is that Bhusri—the relative youngster—has become the grown-up in this rela- tionship. He’s the careful driver with the map, setting Workday’s strategy and making sure it gets there. The contrast is obvious at Workday’s customer events, where Bhusri opens the show with a fact-filled update on products. When Duffield takes the stage, he hurls snack food into the audience and provides a peek at his— gasp!—purple “skivvies” to bear out the point that they were bought from Primark, a Workday customer.
Bhusri, a part-time venture capitalist at Greylock Partners when he isn’t spending time at Workday, became known as the company’s product expert. Some of his insights come from Silicon Valley, others from chats with customers or front-line engineers. “Aneel has this deep intellectual curiosity,” says Reid Hoffman, a Greylock partner and the chairman of LinkedIn. “He’s like a fisherman, casting for ideas. And he’s very encouraging, so people tell him a lot.”
(This story appears in the 01 November, 2013 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)