Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Healthy Life, Happy Life

Dr Rakesh Das discusses about strategies to lead a healthy and happy life

Published: Feb 7, 2022 02:23:34 PM IST

Health and happiness go hand in hand. Inability to move makes a person depressive, sad and he /she loses the desire to live. Hence, mobility is important for their ability to actively participate in all aspects of life.

Low physical activity may cause impaired muscular-skeletal health, which increases the risk of developing many non-communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression anxiety.

To overcome, all such situations it’s best, to take a few moments out for yourself, and give time to your overall health. Just increase the number of steps daily and watch what you eat. This video presents the importance of physical activity and a  balanced diet to maintain good muscular-skeletal health to lead a happy life and stay connected.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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