The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations

Not everyone dreams of a frothy wedding. From the highs of a hot air balloon to the depths of the ocean, some couples take a different route. Consider these odd-ball wedding locations
Curated By: Madhu Kapparth
Published: Dec 9, 2014
The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations

Image by : Corbis

  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
  • The Weird, Unique and Offbeat Wedding Destinations
Under the Arctic Sky
The Icehotel at Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, offers couples, who are willing to brave the Arctic cold, a truly unique wedding. There’s an Ice Church, which opens on Christmas Day every year, and stays on till April, when it melts back into the river. And you get your own suite complete with a polar expedition sleeping bag atop piles of reindeer skin