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Siddhesh Jain - From a lawyer to a full-time blogger

Siddhesh Jain - Inspirational journey from a lawyer to a full-time blogger

Published: Dec 10, 2020 04:07:31 PM IST
Updated: Dec 10, 2020 06:40:48 PM IST

Siddhesh Jain is the owner of the highly successful blog i.e. Solutiontales. His story is incredibly inspiring, and it shows the value of hard work. His story begins in Mumbai where he was raised by his parents, Dilip Jain and Manisha Jain.

He attributes a lot of his success to his supportive upbringing. His parents always pushed him to strive for better, and they have always put their full support behind his decisions.

Siddhesh has juggled around with a fair amount of jobs before deciding to become a full-time blogger. He always gave his maximum in every job position, but was never truly satisfied. As a Lawyer, he was able to gain new perspectives and insights.

He believes that every job position has allowed him to broaden his horizons. Being able to grow as a person whilst taking in new experiences in something that Siddhesh has always valued very highly.

So how does a lawyer turn into a full-time blogger? The competition is fierce, and it definitely isn’t easy to get started. It wasn’t a simple decision for Siddhesh, but it was one that he knew he had to take.

Feeling unfulfilled in other job positions, he knew that becoming a blogger would be able to satisfy his creative urges, and allow him to fully utilize his commercial skills that he had picked up.

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There are many good writers, but being a successful blogger is rare. This is because it takes a lot of skill to create an audience that can see your content. After all, what is the point of creating and publishing content if there is no one to see it?

And thus, Solutiontales was born. From humble beginnings it has developed into a highly successful blog that attracts a wide demographic. Siddhesh Jain never wanted to limit the scope of the blog, and instead he deliberately made it a multiniche blog that could cover an array of topics.

As with any website, it took a significant period of time before the blog become famous. But the intense drive of Jain made it a certainty that the blog would eventually be successful. It is his positive mindset and a never-say-die attitude that has helped propel the blog to new heights.

Siddhesh believes that he’s an affirmer, and will only keep on growing in the blogging industry. His theory is if you believe it, you can achieve it, and to achieve big you need to believe big. Negative belief, and a positive affirmation is a recipe for disaster. He has always believed that you must be able to positively visualise something before you can achieve it. Negative thoughts and doubts are things to firmly stay away from.

It is this positive vision that has turned Solutiontales into a highly successful blog, and made Siddhesh live his dream of being a full-time blogger. But he isn’t done yet. He has never been one to settle for success, and now he is looking to expand further.

Many people see blogging as a side pursuit or something done as a hobby. This can be true, but blogging can also be turned into a highly profitable business. Siddhesh has shown that this is possible, if you have the desire and motivation that is needed to succeed.

He is a successful blogger that has truly made it big, and his blog Solutiontales inspires readers all around the world. While you can gain that success through hard work alone, there are quicker ways, if you look for them. The use of an SEO agency will speed up the process, if you are willing to invest.

But what is it about Solutiontales that sets it apart from other similar blogs? Well, the first thing to note is the personable and engaging tone. Siddhesh never intended the blog to be something that sounds smart without providing substance.

Rather, he wants as many people as possible to be inspired and engaged by the blog. There is useful every-day advice, plenty of tips, informative content, and engaging stories. All of this results in a website that can be enjoyed by readers of all backgrounds all over the world.

Siddhesh never had any target audience in mind, instead he wanted to reach out to as many people as possible. He considers it a big achievement that so many people regularly visit his blog, and he is always happy to hear positive feedback.

Overall, Solutiontales is an authority blog that is considered top-class within the industry. Rather than boring long-form content, there is a variety of easily digestible blog pieces. Alongside this, there are also quizzes that audiences love. People love the blog posts and quizzes because the personal tone really speaks to them.

They feel as though they are reading words from Siddhesh himself rather than a drab soulless piece of content. This is where he has succeeded where countless others have failed. He has differentiated himself, and worked hard to craft an authentic tone that is inspiring to so many readers.

Blogging is a business, and Siddhesh wants to make this clear to others. It may take some time to make money, but it can be a highly profitable venture. People should not be put off from going into blogging.

His parents supported him when he left a good job to pursue blogging full-time. They trusted his decision to become a full-time blogger and he has repaid that trust. He’s making a name in the industry, and has become one of the fastest risers.

But he is not done yet. There are many huge things on the horizon for both Siddhesh Jain and Solutiontales. He is working hard to establish himself even further as a well-respected blogger.

He hopes to reach new audiences, and bring through more visitors to Solutiontales. The blog is currently undergoing a period of further expansion, and it will compete with the heavyweights. Siddhesh’s positive can-do attitude will take him far, and his story is inspiring to millions around the world.

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