Siddhesh Jain - Inspirational journey from a lawyer to a full-time blogger
Siddhesh Jain is the owner of the highly successful blog i.e. Solutiontales. His story is incredibly inspiring, and it shows the value of hard work. His story begins in Mumbai where he was raised by his parents, Dilip Jain and Manisha Jain.
He attributes a lot of his success to his supportive upbringing. His parents always pushed him to strive for better, and they have always put their full support behind his decisions.
Siddhesh has juggled around with a fair amount of jobs before deciding to become a full-time blogger. He always gave his maximum in every job position, but was never truly satisfied. As a Lawyer, he was able to gain new perspectives and insights.
He believes that every job position has allowed him to broaden his horizons. Being able to grow as a person whilst taking in new experiences in something that Siddhesh has always valued very highly.
So how does a lawyer turn into a full-time blogger? The competition is fierce, and it definitely isn’t easy to get started. It wasn’t a simple decision for Siddhesh, but it was one that he knew he had to take.
Feeling unfulfilled in other job positions, he knew that becoming a blogger would be able to satisfy his creative urges, and allow him to fully utilize his commercial skills that he had picked up.