Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Movement: Medicine for the overall wellness

Dr Partani discusses how moderate exercise and a balanced diet help in maintaining the overall health of an individual

Published: Feb 14, 2022 11:43:17 AM IST

The modern sedentary lifestyle has affected all aspects of our life; the number of people who spend long hours sitting or doing poor physical activity is far more than those that are more physically active. This has resulted in poor musculoskeletal health. Poor musculoskeletal health reduces the working capacity, increases early retirement and loss of money. Long term inactivity also affects an individual’s personal, social and occupational life.

With low physical activity, incidences of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stress, depression, anxiety etc have increased which ultimately hampers the overall well being of the person. So, daily moderate exercise, healthy weight loss, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep become essential to remain healthy.

This video presents how movement acts as a medicine to the overall well being of the person that helps in healthy ageing and leading a good quality of life.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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