In collaboration with brother Viraj Khanna, Vishesh Khanna started AK-OK. The pret brand is an extension of the high-end luxury label Anamika Khanna
Vishesh Khanna | 28
Co-founder, AK-OK
The brand name AK-OK originated from A-OK, originally an astronaut’s term for all systems OK. But in the context of this luxury ready-to-wear brand, it was coined by the co-founders Vishesh Khanna and Viraj Khanna during a challenging period in their family, when their mother, fashion designer Anamika Khanna, had a health crisis. It signified optimism and acceptance and emerged from the phrase. ‘Don’t worry, everything will be AK-OK’.
(This story appears in the 23 February, 2024 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)