Get assured returns up to 7.35% with Bajaj Finance Fixed Deposit
While market-linked investments have always been risky propositions, with the returns depending on the performance of the market, 2020 has been a particularly volatile year to make any prediction for the investors. This year witnessed economic activities around the world coming to a near-standstill for a substantial period, which has had a far-reaching and profound impact.
As per IMF, the global economy is expected to shrink by 3 percent this year, which would make the economic decline the worst since the Great Depression a century ago. Furthermore, it is now being predicted that the country’s economy will witness a double-digit fall. While Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have predicted a 14.8 percent contraction in the GDP through March 2021, Fitch, the global ratings agency, recently estimated the country’s GDP to contract 10.5 percent in 2020-21.
These are particularly worrying times for investors, who are searching for safer ways to park their money. When it comes to choosing instruments that inherently come with lower risk (fixed-investment options in particular), fixed deposit is one of the most popular options.
Investors take flight-to-safety with Fixed Deposit
During the initial 6 weeks of lockdown, Indian banks witnessed a sharp rise of over 2.8 lakh crore in deposits (until May 8th), a growth of over 2 percent in outstanding deposits in a six-week period. Most of the money went into fixed deposits, with the outstanding amount rising to 123.9 lakh crore, an increase of Rs. 4.4 lakh crore during that period.
This renewed optimism and growing interest among investors in fixed deposits highlights the positive sentiment surrounding fixed-investment options, during times of uncertainty. It also highlights the fact that even young investors are now prepared to have a long investment horizon, and are focusing on long-term wealth creation strategies, making fixed deposits the ideal investment instrument.