Did you know that as an Indian we are at a relatively higher risk of hypertension? explains Dr. Jyotika Gupta
Given the massive population of India, it is somewhat expected that the rate of diseases will also be proportionally high. However, research indicates hypertension, or high blood pressure, is now the most common disease in India, overtaking even diabetes. This is a very serious issue that can have severe repercussions in our country in the long run.
What makes hypertension so deadly is the lack of any noticeable symptoms at the beginning. In fact, according to surveys and research data, many people were unaware that they were suffering from hypertension for years before they were actually diagnosed. This implies that these people obviously did not treat their hypertension, and the disease kept on silently damaging their bodies over time, sometimes beyond repair. That is perhaps why the ailment has earned the infamous moniker of a ‘silent killer’.
This hypertension epidemic can perhaps be attributed to the growing modernisation our country has been experiencing for the past few decades. We, as a population, are also abusing our bodies with unhealthy habits such as leading sedentary lives, eating late, having stressful lifestyles, sleeping late and irregularly, consuming complex foods that are usually calorie-dense that also slow down our metabolisms, consuming alcohol, smoking, etc.
The only solution to this problem is to adopt a preventive mindset and actively avoiding behaviours that promote the disease. For those already suffering from hypertension too this approach works, helping them manage their ailment better and lead a considerably normal life.
Issued in Public Interest by USV PVT LTD