Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Balanced muscular skeletal health leads to balanced life

Dr Manan Gujarathi discusses the various benefits of doing physical activities in improving overall balance of muscular skeletal health

Published: Mar 28, 2022 12:30:55 PM IST
Updated: Mar 29, 2022 05:08:57 PM IST

Proper exercise maintains the overall balance of the human body, lack of these exercises leads to various muscular problems as a result affecting the balance of life. Muscular deformities are often observed more in elder population being age the predisposing factor which eliminates them from various important activities of their life. Continuous sitting for prolonged hours affects the entire body & also the muscles become stiff. In order to avoid these problems of muscle it is very important to perform certain physical activities which ensure that body is able to enjoy the life fully.

It has been observed that unhealthy dietary habits & sedentary lifestyle affects individuals of all age groups. Reputed institutes suggest that any physical activity for shorter duration not only helps in maintenance of good muscular skeletal health but also keeps other conditions in control.  Muscular Skeletal problems are also observed in childhood being obesity the main reason of the problems as there is lack of proper nutrition diet, physical activities & sedentary lifestyle as a result they face lot of problems in societies. In order to control this combination of proper well Balanced Nutrition Diet, Medicine & regular dose of exercise ensures proper muscular skeletal health.   

So, let’s take a self-initiative & maintain proper of balance of life. The video is an overall package for enjoying the proper taste of life by ensuring a balanced muscular skeletal health.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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