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Lua launches PDF converter suit for personal and business users

Lua is a free PDF converter on the cloud that launched its service for personal and business users

Published: Jan 19, 2021 03:13:25 PM IST

Whether you are a working professional, a high school graduate or an academician, the need for PDF is indispensable. This excellent document format makes sharing files easy in a compact way. Further, it ensures that the editing and formatting done in the original document remains intact irrespective of the device in which it is being viewed. 

Why Use Lua? 

To ensure easy PDF conversion, Lua has recently launched PDF Converter Suit for personal and business users. Here’s the detailed insight into their service. 

1. Ease of Use

Lua presents a clean website where the users can do all the PDF conversion. With only essential navigation elements in the menu, there is no distracting element on the home page. The different types of PDF conversion requirements are neatly placed inside the square boxes, making it easier for them to navigate the Lua website. Further, for converting any file, the users are provided with the option of drag and drop. 

2. Functionality 

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Lua allows the conversion to PDF from the following formats:

Also, a PDF file can be converted into PNG, JPG and PDF to Word format. 

In addition to that, it provides only two basic editing tool:

  • Merge PDF: For combining different PDF files into one PDF file. While merging the files, ensure that you upload the PDF in the sequence that you want them in. The  PDF will be merged in the order in which they are being uploaded. Once uploaded, you do not have the option of manually arranging the different PDF files.
  • Compress PDF: You can use this feature for reducing the size of a large PDF file. However, one should note that the maximum size of the PDF which can be converted is 5 MB. 

Lua PDF converter provides users with all the basic functionalities. The only limitation is that the maximum allowed size of the file for the conversion is 5 MB. Therefore, Lua PDF converter is only suitable for converting small files. 

3. Security

All the files which are uploaded in the Lua server are deleted automatically after 5 minutes. This ensures that all your files are safe when you upload it on the Lua server. There is no mention on the official website if they use any form of encryption while uploading the files. 

4. Platforms

Users can easily use Lua PDF Converter from Windows, Mac, Linux and other platforms. It is a cloud-based convertor and therefore, it provides the users with ease of accessibility from anywhere during any time. All you need for using it is a browser and an internet connection.

Lua offers all the PDF converter services for free. Hence, the value for money is excellent. Without spending a buck, you can use Lua for converting files from and to PDF. 

Now that we know about Lua PDF Converter’s overall view let’s check how you can convert a file of any other format into PDF. 

How To Use Lua?

  1. Choose which file format (JPG/Word/Excel/PPT) you want to convert into PDF. Click on the respective box on the basis of your requirement. 
  2. Choose the file that you want to convert into PDF. You can also drag and drop the file. 
  3. Wait for the conversion process to end. 

Yes! You do not even need to click on any “Convert” tab. The conversion process will begin automatically when the file is uploaded. After the conversion is done, you will see the message “ Your XXX file has been converted to a PDF File”. Click on the “Download” tab to download the PDF file. 

Similarly, following the same steps, you can convert a PDF into PNG, JPG and Word file. 

If you are looking for a free PDF converter tool for converting files from and to PDF, then Lua offers an excellent service. You can use it for free, unlimited times. The only constraint is that it doesn’t support large file size. If you want to convert a small file, Lua can be one of the best options available. The clean interface of the website will make the conversion process a breeze.

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