Publicists for products in the pipeline long before the outbreak struggle to find the right tone
Just how do you go about promoting nonessential products (celebrities, linoleum, jewelry, $230 latex thongs) at a time of death counts and soaring unemployment and improvised hospitals?
Image: Yvetta Fedorova/The New York Times
LOS ANGELES — Millions of people had started to shelter in place. The global economy was cratering. Coronavirus-panicked shoppers were clawing at each other over toilet paper.
But apocalypse be darned. Ashley McCormick, a fashion publicist at Ragdoll PR in Los Angeles, had a product to promote. “Forget everything you’ve ever heard about latex,” her March 19 email to lifestyle journalists began.
She was not referring to gloves.
“Latex has become an inescapable fashion sensation, with designers creating unique and innovative looks for both on and off the runway,” McCormick wrote, citing Bella Hadid and Kim Kardashian West as celebrity devotees. “But jumping straight into a full latex look may seem intimidating. So why not test the waters first with sexy & seductive latex lingerie? Our luxury lingerie line, Anya Lust, is the perfect place to find all your latex lingerie needs.”
At first glance, McCormick’s note, forwarded to me by a nonplused recipient, came across as offensively extraterrestrial. What planet was this person living on? Then I felt an emotion approaching compassion: She was just doing her job.
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