Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Global crypto regulations near realisation under India's leadership

G20 nears historic global crypto regulations with India's leadership, backed by insights from the exclusive Chatham House roundtable

Shashank Bhardwaj
Published: Aug 17, 2023 07:14:14 PM IST
Updated: Aug 21, 2023 12:28:04 PM IST


In a significant advancement, the G20 nations, under India's presidency, stand at the brink of finalising unprecedented global crypto regulations. This historic move is expected to come to fruition ahead of the upcoming G20 Leaders' Summit in September.

The exclusive roundtable, conducted under Chatham House rules and hosted by India, marked the completion of India's G20 presidency. While the details of the session remained confidential, insiders revealed insights into the discourse, spotlighting the call for a unified approach to crypto regulation.

During the deliberations, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva drew a thought-provoking analogy. As CoinDesk reported, she likened the nature of crypto to water, suggesting that attempting to quell it from one direction would only lead it to find alternative outlets, mirroring the challenges of overseeing this dynamic industry.

These confidential talks had a direct impact on India's crypto plans. India had intended to present its presidential note on crypto regulations, outlining a roadmap and demonstrating its role in shaping the sector. However, fellow G20 members expressed concerns, stating that as the current G20 president, India should consult with member nations before issuing such documents.

India eventually released the presidency note on August 1, after comprehensive deliberations lasting nearly two weeks. This document officially articulates India's recommendations for fostering global coordination in crypto regulation.

The impending ‘synthesis paper,’ jointly crafted by the IMF and the Financial Stability Board (FSB), is particularly interesting. This comprehensive paper, set for release by the end of August, will delve into the macro implications of crypto on a global scale. It is anticipated to encompass the recommendations articulated in India's presidency note and insights from other authoritative bodies.

India's persistent advocacy for addressing Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs) concerns has garnered recognition and is poised to find its place within the framework of crypto rules. This noteworthy achievement reflects India's commitment to a balanced approach in the evolving digital finance landscape. As the G20 nations approach the finalisation of global crypto regulations, India is ready to commemorate its pivotal role in nurturing a universally embraced framework.

The writer is the founder at yMedia. He ventured into crypto in 2013 and is an ETH maximalist. Twitter: @bhardwajshash