US copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of art, while sound recordings from 1924 will also be copyright-free
From "A Farewell to Arms" to the cartoon character Popeye the Sailor, thousands of artistic works will enter the public domain in the United States on Wednesday.Â
US copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of art, while sound recordings from 1924 will also be copyright-free.
By entering the public domain, the pieces can be copied, shared, reproduced or adapted by anyone without paying the rights owner.
This year's crop includes internationally recognized figures such as the comic character Tintin, who made his debut in a Belgian newspaper in 1929, and Popeye the Sailor, created by cartoonist Elzie Crisler Segar.Â
Every December, the Center for the Study of the Public Domain publishes a list of the cultural works that lose their copyright in the new year.