Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Letter From The Editor: Your New Pick-Me-Up

ForbesLife India has a very different DNA from the plethora of lifestyle magazines in the market

Published: Jan 28, 2011 06:46:27 AM IST
Updated: Jan 31, 2011 02:49:16 PM IST

Ever since we launched Forbes India in May 2009, we’ve worked hard to live up to the original Forbes’ promise of being drama critics of business. And we’ve done this through stories that are conversational, just like someone sitting on a bar stool telling you a story. Our stories are about real people and characters, just like in a book or a play, and they are seldom warm and sunny all the time. It’s been hard work, but we’ve enjoyed every minute of the journey. In return, we’d also like to believe that we’ve earned a precious commodity: Your trust.

This very trust has actually given us the confidence to embark on our newest venture: ForbesLife India. By the time you read this letter, the inaugural edition will be available at all leading bookshops. Edited by Charles Assisi, my exceptionally talented colleague, ForbesLife India has a very different DNA from the plethora of lifestyle magazines in the market.

For starters, like all good things in life, ForbesLife India will appear only once every quarter. And we look at it more as a book you’d love to curl up with. Right from the stock of paper to the timeless quality of its stories, the distinctive design template to the rich, visual texture of the artwork, ForbesLife India provides you with the best ideas and experiences that life has to offer. And ForbesLife India puts a premium, above all else, on journalism that’s refreshingly different. As a sample, check out two stories from our inaugural edition starting on page 93 and 98.

Once you’ve had a chance to pick up your very own copy of the inaugural edition, do tell us what you think of it. We’d be eagerly awaiting your feedback. Happy reading!

(This story appears in the 11 February, 2011 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)