From an early age, it was very obvious to his parents and teachers that Ahmed Dulla was not academically bright. He never showed any keen interest in books and perhaps he knew it in him those academics were something he will never excel in. In fact, he was deemed so weak academically that he had to repeat grades four and seven.
“To this day I find it difficult to do simple mathematics like subtraction and division,” says Dulla.
He labored through high school and by all means he even graduated it. But, what was he to do after that?
The best he could hope for was to become a cab driver. Something he describes as being “easy and cool”. He really fancied the prospect of driving people to and fro from place to place.
Most kids of his age struggle to find their ambition in life and often turn to Google to search their potential career paths. Having taken up humanities as his core subject in high school, he decided to turn to Google.
“What can a humanities student do in life,” he typed.