Anamika is an inspiration to all those women who step back from pursuing their passion
Life surprises us in unexpected ways. Just when we are about to settle down happily, the Universe tests us with something new and unexpected. No matter what we plan for ourselves, it is ultimately the Universe that seems to guide us. Therefore, one can say that we are but a medium, performing our preordained role in the universe.
But what if the Universe leaves it upon us to choose what we want ? What if we are able to manifest our lives, the way we want it to be. Would we move forward on our current path, or would we create an altogether new path for ourselves?
While some would seek comfort in their current path, there are some rare gems that take the road less travelled and realize their true potential, their true purpose and create their own fairy tale.
One such person is Anamika Rana . A Chartered Accountant and a B.Com (Hons) graduate from Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. Anamika was drawn towards the field of spirituality from childhood..
After her graduation, she started to research spirituality and its various modalities. It was during her research that she saw that although spirituality is a major part of Indian culture and was mentioned in several ancient texts it is greatly misunderstood as a science. There were also many different approaches to spirituality mentioned in western texts as well. This started her quest of changing the prevalent mindset of people regarding spirituality and helping them broaden their horizons on the subject.
She continued to explore various spiritual modalities for the next few years and decided to learn Tarot Card, Numerology, Vastu and Pranic Healing. But when her family and friends found out about her interests, she got mixed responses. Many of her near and dear ones were concerned about her decision. They couldn’t understand why a school topper, who has studied in the best of colleges, was interested in something like spirituality. However she always had the steadfast support of her mother who encouraged her to seek out and build upon her passion.