The reticent captain of IndiGo, Rahul Bhatia, knows how to keep his business on course
Every travel agent dreams of starting an airline, says Rajji Rai, President of the Travel Agents Association of India, India’s leading travel agents body. “Only two who started in the travel agency business, Rahul Bhatia and Naresh Goyal, have actually succeeded,” he adds.
In 2001, Luthra was heading sales and marketing for United Airlines on behalf of Interglobe Air Transport (IGAT), an off-shoring company that catered to large international airlines from India. After 9/11, United Airlines, one of the largest clients of InterGlobe announced it was stopping flights to India on security concerns. This dealt the Indian company a body blow. Massive investments had been made for the United Airlines operations in India and business was roaring. When overnight revenues started dropping, there was tremendous insecurity among employees, recalls Luthra.
(This story appears in the 08 January, 2010 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)