Forbes India 15th Anniversary Special

Love yourself: Keep moving, eat Hhealthy, be happy

Dr Patare discusses the benefits of moderate physical exercise, brisk walking to lead a productive and active life

Published: Feb 22, 2022 05:59:24 PM IST
Updated: Feb 22, 2022 05:59:51 PM IST

Movement is very much important for our daily life to go on as it is involved in all aspects of our life. Insufficient physical activity or sedentary life style increases the risk factor for poor muscular skeletal health, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and early ageing. Poor muscular skeletal health among elderly makes it difficult for them to do the daily activities and increases dependency on others causing low self esteem, depression and anxiety.

Moderate physical activity, healthy diet helps to keep you fit, improves the mental health, cardiac health, lung capacity and overall quality of life. You feel energetic, relaxed and sleep well. Childhood obesity has increased owing to spending more time in front of the screens, movie streaming, video games and staying indoors and has adversely affected the cognitive development, physical health, and mental well-being of children. To prevent such modern lifestyle disorders best is to encourage regular to moderate physical activity among all age groups.

This video presents benefits of self care, good muscular-skeletal health, good diet in leading and enjoying a healthy and happy life.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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