While burnout may be the best-known term, there are other conditions linked to chronic boredom or loss of meaning at work. And they should not be neglected
Boreout is also a form of professional exhaustion that stems from boredom. (Credits: Nubelson Fernandes / Unspash)
From burnout to boreout to brownout, work-related exhaustion can take different forms. While burnout may be the best-known, there are other conditions linked to chronic boredom or loss of meaning at work. And they should not be neglected.
Burnout is the most well-known form of professional exhaustion. It is caused by an overload of work and an over-investment on the part of the individual. The signs can be: emotional fatigue, cynicism towards work or decreased commitment.
Symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disorders or muscle tension appear. They can be physical, emotional or cognitive.
Boreout is also a form of exhaustion that emanates from boredom. Unlike burnout, it is caused by an insufficient workload and chronic boredom. You're not in a state of boreout every time you're bored. But this condition can be the result of repeated boredom.