Don't wait for motivation; get started and let momentum carry you forward
Avoiding that task serves as a temporary means of keeping that distress, fear and anxiety abated
Image: Shutterstock
Have you ever delayed getting started on a project because all of the tasks felt overwhelming? Does excessive perfectionism get in your way?
Procrastination – or delaying tasks to ease fear, anxiety, or stress – is a common experience for many people who want perfect results, as well as those who manage large projects that seem daunting at first.
“Sometimes, people who procrastinate do so not really because they don’t care or because they’re unmotivated, but because they care so much about the outcome – particularly if there’s an evaluation of their performance – that they get paralyzed by fear,” said Dr. Melanie Bonner, professor in Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. “Avoiding that task serves as a temporary means of keeping that distress, fear and anxiety abated.”
Here are several ways to beat procrastination: