They are outgunned and outnumbered by Russia's military might, but Ukrainian troops and civilians have managed to slow, if not stop, Putin's plan of quick destruction
An instructor discusses urban combat as Ukrainian civilians undergo basic military training at a volunteer center in a state educational institution, before an expected Russian assault on March 5, 2022 in Odessa, around 132 kms East of Mykolaiv, Ukraine. The Ukrainian volunteers are trained by former, reserve and veteran Ukrainian officers. Russian forces invading Ukraine from three sides since February 24 have frequently met fierce resistance, and these trainees say they aim to help deprive Russia of the prized Black Sea port of Odessa.
Image: Scott Peterson/Getty Images
MYKOLAIV, Ukraine — The remains of a Russian Tigr fighting vehicle sat smoldering on the side of the road, as Ukrainian troops lounged outside their trenches smoking cigarettes. Nearby, a group of local villagers was tinkering with a captured T-90 tank, trying to get it running again so that the Ukrainian army might use it.
For three days, Russian forces had fought to take Mykolaiv, but by Sunday, Ukrainian troops had driven them back from the city limits and retaken the airport, halting the Russian advance along the Black Sea, at least temporarily. By Monday morning, Russian forces had resumed their attack.
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