Chris Lewis, author and founder of global marketing consultancy TEAM LEWIS, talks about a new type of leadership focussed primarily on a wider benefit to the community and why no leader can afford to discriminate against real talent
Chris Lewis is co-author of The Silent Rebellion: Becoming A Modern Leader and founder of TEAM LEWIS, a global marketing consultancy that campaigns for commercial and community causes. He is also the author of Too Fast to Think, and co-author of The Leadership Lab and The Infinite Leader. In an interview with Forbes India, he discusses the nuances of qualitative leadership as opposed to quantitative leadership that measures by return on investment, profit, and status. Edited excerpts:
Q. Could you share some insights into the setting of the book?
We have seen some ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ events in the last 10 years—wars, pandemics, and the rise of extremism. If there were any cracks in society before, these events have deepened and widened them. This has divided us. Leadership’s job is to bring us together. This is one of the latent factors which is difficult to measure—what difference does a leader make to the efficiency and happiness of a team?
Q. What does the title ‘The Silent Rebellion’ signify?