Why the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) needs robust debate of the kind seen in the Constituent Assembly in November 1948. Here are excerpts from a few arguments of those in favour of the UCC and those against it
The debate around securing a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) throughout the country was intense during the Constituent Assembly (CA) Debates of November 1948 (the CA debates began in December 1946 and concluded in January 1950). Article 35 of the Draft Constitution of India 1948 stated that “the State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.” In the final version of the Constitution of India 1950, it became Article 44 in Part IV, which has the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP). DPSPs are guidelines that are not enforceable by courts but are yet fundamental to the country’s governance. Article 37 says: “…and it shall be the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws.”