Whenever you are in need of some extra cash, you can always apply for a personal loan. The application process is simple and once the loan is approved, your bank account is credited with money you can use in any way you like. But personal loans, as easy as they may be to get, have a catch. They usually have a very high-interest rate, between 15 to 20%. So if you have been paying high interest on a personal loan, a personal loan balance transfer is a good option for you.
What Is a Personal Loan Balance Transfer?
Personal loan balance transfer is a process of transferring your outstanding personal loan balance from one loan provider to another. Initially, this process only referred to the process of transferring the outstanding balance on your credit card to another, but now it includes personal loans, home loans, and other types of loans too.
What Are the Benefits of Personal Loan Balance Transfers?
● You Can Get a Better Rate of Interest
When you decide to transfer your existing personal loan from one bank to another, you need to consider the personal loan interest rate offered by the second bank. Only if the rate of interest offered by them is lower, does it make sense to transfer your outstanding loan amount. Lower interest rates are always beneficial as they can reduce your financial burden and help you pay off your loan faster.