Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, broadcasters in 20 countries, including channels like Britain's Channel 4, Greece's ANT1 and Romania's PRO TV have rushed to join those who have already snapped up the rights to "Servant of the People", which first aired in Ukraine in 2015
The success of the show 'Servant of the People propelled Zelensky to the presidency in real life.
Stockholm, Sweden: First one, then two, then 20: a small Stockholm agency has in recent days been deluged with bids for the rights to air the hit comedy series starring Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former actor turned wartime hero.
"It's been very, very busy. All around the world, people have asked for the rights because they want to broadcast it," explains Eccho Rights co-founder Nicola Soderlund in the agency's elegant offices in the Swedish capital.
Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, broadcasters such as Britain's Channel 4, Greece's ANT1 and Romania's PRO TV have rushed to join those who have already snapped up the rights to "Servant of the People", which first aired in Ukraine in 2015.
"I think last week we made maybe 15 deals and we are in negotiations with another 20 countries," says Soderlund, a poster advertising the series hanging above his desk.