
Improving testing availability alone not enough; mitigating uptake barriers equally crucial

Improving testing availability alone not enough; mitigating uptake barriers equally crucial

World Water Day: Why India should privatise its water utilities

World Water Day: Why India should privatise its water utilities

A journey of four incredible women leaders who chose to challenge the status quo

A journey of four incredible women leaders who chose to challenge the status quo

The value of dissent

The value of dissent

Is Business-to-Everyone (B2E) the future of B2B?

Is Business-to-Everyone (B2E) the future of B2B?

  • Too small to serve to too large to ignore:  SMEs, the new frontier for digital vendors?

    Too small to serve to too large to ignore: SMEs, the new frontier for digital vendors?

    SMEs have been the focus of several initiatives taken by the stakeholders, including the government, financial institutions, and technology companies, in the past few months

  • Do hedge funds gain from mutual funds' brain drain?

    Do hedge funds gain from mutual funds' brain drain?

    On behalf of ISBInsight, Mridula Anand spoke to Prachi Deuskar, a Finance expert at the Indian School of Business and co-author on the paper "The Good or the Bad? Which Mutual Fund Managers Join Hedge Funds?" Deuskar and her co-authors' research investigates the complexities of talent retention in the asset management sector.

  • And they returned happily ever after

    And they returned happily ever after

    Can lenient return policies boost retailer profits? Professor Ahmed Timoumi's research suggests that retailers should embrace the 'buy it-use it-return it' tactic used by customers to increase profitability

  • Can international marketing alliances in emerging markets be a source of competitive advantage?

    Can international marketing alliances in emerging markets be a source of competitive advantage?

    Professors Kiran Pedada, S Arunachalam and Mayukh Dass discuss how managers can leverage resources and market conditions to make international marketing alliance decisions in emerging markets.

  • The changing contours of innovation in India

    The changing contours of innovation in India

    Home-based innovation in India has been oriented more towards the process dimension. Adoption of quality management practices paved way for incremental innovation. On the other hand, the main drivers of innovation have shifted to the R&D centres of Multi-national Enterprises (MNEs). Rishikesha Krishnan argues that the evolution of start-ups and their contributions to product or technological innovation in India is worth studying.

  • Regional disparities in the Indian innovation ecosystem

    Regional disparities in the Indian innovation ecosystem

    Although certain states and industries in India are pioneering innovations, significant regional and sectoral disparities persist. Dr Amit Kapoor and Chirag Yadav explore the innovation landscape in India and make policy recommendations to bolster innovative capacities and drive greater economic prosperity.

  • Regional disparities in the Indian innovation ecosystem

    Regional disparities in the Indian innovation ecosystem

    Although certain states and industries in India are pioneering innovations, significant regional and sectoral disparities persist. Dr Amit Kapoor and Chirag Yadav explore the innovation landscape in India and make policy recommendations to bolster innovative capacities and drive greater economic prosperity

  • Enhancing trade secret protection in India

    Enhancing trade secret protection in India

    Why has protecting trade secrets become imperative for nations and businesses? How are trade secrets the key to fostering greater innovation? Professor Mark Schultz suggests how India can address the gaps in its trade secret protection laws.

  • Can IP-Led innovation help India hurdle the middle-income trap?

    Can IP-Led innovation help India hurdle the middle-income trap?

    As a rapidly growing economy, India will soon encounter the middle-income trap. The Indian economy will need to build a sustainable policy framework, founded on strong property rights and rule of law, to hurdle the middle-income trap and compete in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Drawing on findings from the 2019 International IP Index, Hemal Shah of the United States Chamber of Commerce Global Innovation Policy Centre presents a perspective

  • The fine print on health app privacy

    The fine print on health app privacy

    Although apps are useful for tracking health, significant privacy concerns remain. The medical data of the users are at the disposal of app developers for business purposes. The privacy policies of these apps are either non-existent or difficult to comprehend

  • Standalone family firms lead on gender parity

    Standalone family firms lead on gender parity

    Research has found that gender diverse firms result in better shareholder value. In India, standalone family firms are the leaders when it comes to gender-diverse Boards of Directors.