It's not about changing your style—you'll just need to kick things up a notch
Before you can lead others through turbulent times, you need to first lead yourself—which of course requires understanding yourself.
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The last few years have not been easy on leaders, to say the least. But according to Harry Kraemer, good leadership still looks a lot like it did pre-pandemic.
“The requirements to be a leader have always remained pretty constant. It’s leading yourself, leading others, communicating like crazy, listening carefully, demonstrating you care,” says Kraemer.
So instead of changing your style, what the current moment calls for “is really turning up the volume.”
Kraemer is a clinical professor of leadership at Kellogg and executive partner with the Chicago-based PE firm Madison Dearborn Partners. Before coming to Kellogg, he was CEO of healthcare giant Baxter International.
[This article has been republished, with permission, from Kellogg Insight, the faculty research & ideas magazine of Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University]