Dalmia Bharat's managing director talks about lessons from his entrepreneurial journey and what it takes to carry a rich family legacy forward while adapting to changing market dynamics
When the first-generation entrepreneurs of the Dalmia Group decided to foray into the cement industry, the only other company with a foothold in this domain was ACC. Selling the government-controlled commodity during the challenging days of License Raj was tough business. “No fresh investments were coming into cement,†recalls Yadu Hari Dalmia, 76, the second-generation to join the family business in 1969, in an exclusive interaction on Forbes India Pathbreakers. But his father, late Jaidayal Dalmia, was quick to grasp the nuts and bolts of the cement industry despite, at the time, a fierce competition between ACC and Dalmia. “Both were losing money,†he says. Eventually, Jugal Kishore Birla had to step in and urge the companies to enter an agreement to end the price war and contribute towards independent India’s growth and development.