At the current juncture in India's EV journey, it would be safe to say India has achieved a unique EV ecosystem. While it started off with commercial vehicles going electric, there is a distinct shift in the market with more consumers adopting electric vehicles
In 2015, the Indian government as part of its COP-21 commitments, enacted and implemented Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India (FAME) with an initial outlay of just Rs 895 crore. For the fledgling Indian EV industry at that time, it was a major boost, and the numbers showed up. In 2015, India saw 7,737 EVs being registered against 2,356 in 2014. By the time Phase 2 of FAME (FAME-II) was launched in 2019, India has already registered 2.5 lakh EVs. The second phase came with a far greater outlay of Rs 10,000 crore for a three-year period which was subsequently extended till 31st March, 2024.