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Clockwise: Siddhant Kamath, Director, Natural Ice Cream; Namit Malhotra, Producer and CEO of British visual effects company DNEG; An aerial view shows the site of a landslide on July 31, 2024, in Chooralmala village, India
1) Making of the undisputed hero
There was a time, not so long ago, when ice cream for Indian households was a luxurious dessert item. It was that one cameo in Marvel movies that made the whole theatre stand up and cheer. It didn't have complete screen time. In 1984, Raghunandan Kamath started Naturals, hoping to make ice cream the hero of its own story. In forty years since the artisanal and premium chain of ice cream parlours has given ice cream an entire arena to perform. Results? Naturals has 169 outlets; they produce 6,647 metric tonnes of ice cream, closed FY24 at ₹294.02 crore, and are now the biggest brand in Mumbai and Maharashtra. Here's the story of the making of that undisputed hero.
2) Maintaining legacy