Sohi's hands-on approach has helped him master every aspect of the trade. Now he wants CFOs to act smart rather than look smart
The CFO of Freshworks had two IPOs under his belt even before he joined the IT services company which debuted on the Nasdaq in 2021, and he believes he's the custodian of the company's raison d'Ăªtre
Gupta has seen her share of ups and downs, and in the end has come away with a strong belief that it takes much more than CVs peppered with Ivy League degrees to be picked for the job
The 39-year-old CFO of Chalo believes that cutting five percent here and ten percent there to save cost doesn't do much good, while also thwarting growth. Instead he decided to find opportunity in a crisis
You have to be in the game to understand the game, Menon believes, as she highlights the new role of CFOs in the startup ecosystem where speed is the mantra, scaling fast is as crucial as failing fast, and spotting problems alone is as good as a problem
The 34-year-old head of finance and chief strategy officer at Byju's is an engineer-turned-teacher-turned-strategist. She's the stronghand behind many physics-defying moves that the edtech giant has made across the world
Imagine Marketing (boAt) group CFO Ankur Sharma reckons the CFOs role has evolved from being reactive to proactive, from controller to enabler, and have to do much more than just good old policing
From staying conservative to displaying naked aggression, from valuing cost cutting to hunting for opportunity cost, from playing by the book to writing a new playbook, new finance leaders are cut from a different cloth