In the late 70s, Rajni Bector enchanted Ludhiana with her scrumptious ice creams, pudding and cakes. Over four decades later, Mrs Bectors Food Specialities stunned the IPO market with a sensational listing in 2020. The dream run of the bakery firm continues
Was it an act of God?” I lobbed the first question to Anoop Bector, alluding to the blockbuster public market listing of Mrs Bectors Food Specialities on December 24, 2020. “Your Christmas Eve turned out to be Christmas Day. It was an early Merry Christmas for you,” I smiled at the managing director of the premium biscuits and bread maker, which counts leading QSR brands such as KFC, Burger King and Subway among its long list of B2B customers. “We believe in God. We pray every day,” reckons Bector, who joined the family business in September 1995. A year later, he started supplying buns and other products to McDonald’s, and aggressively scaled the consumer side of the business of the Ludhiana-based company with own brands—Cremica and English Oven—over the next decade.
(This story appears in the 05 April, 2024 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)