Madhuri Dixit is back in the Celeb 100 List this year, despite her lower earnings compared to the year before. Her earnings are down to Rs 19.74 crore from Rs 23 crore last year. Regardless of the drop in revenues, she has climbed up a rank this year on our list to No. 37. Even though she doesn't have a single movie to her name during our reference time period, Dixit climbed up in the ranking purely on the back of revenues from her TV show appearance and brand endorsements.
Fast Facts: ?2014 will see the release of her next film Gulaab Gang, a film based on the life of social-activist Sampat Pal Devi. She has also shot this year for Vishal Bhardwaj's Dedh Ishqiya, a sequel to the critically acclaimed Ishqiya. Dedh Ishqiya will be directed by Abhishek Choubey.